In-person conference in Edinburgh
FREE EVENT, Tue 26 September 10am – 3:30pm
Grassmarket, 86 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh EH1 2QA
Extra tickets released – book your place here
Community Renewal Trust is now in the fourth year of delivering our whole-person, whole-place, test of systems change – called Lifting Neighbourhoods Together – in two deprived neighbourhoods in Edinburgh (Bingham, Magdalene and the Hays) and Newcastle (Walker).
Following a continual process of evaluation and local learning, Community Renewal Trust will share the emerging evidence in this Edinburgh conference.
We will provide feedback on our human learning systems approach, and the rollout of a new local community wealth building partnership.
There will be interactive discussions about the social, economic, and political context, including looking at the wider evidence from across Scotland and reviewing similar projects being delivered in the UK.
We will be asking: to what extent can we hope to eradicate persistent poverty in our lifetimes and what national call to action might we need?
We are pleased to announce the agenda for this year’s conference
10am – 10:15am Registration and drinks
Teas, coffees, orange juice and pastries on arrival
10:15 – 10:20am Welcome and introductions
10:20 – 11am John Halliday, CEO – Community Renewal Trust
Emerging learning from the Lifting Neighbourhoods Together test of change.
11 – 11:15am Ancha Stoodley, Neighbourhood Transformation Manager – Building Futures East
Delivering Lifting Neighbourhoods Together in an English context
11:15 – 11:30am Networking Session
11:30am – 12:30pm Wider learning from fellow changemakers
What do you see as emerging learning about lifting neighbourhoods out of poverty in the context of your work?
Dr Jim McCormick, CEO – The Robertson Trust
Euan Leitch, Chief Executive – SURF – Scotland’s Regeneration Forum
Ralph Broad, Local Area Coordination
Gordon McLean, National Programme Manager (Getting Alongside Communities) – Corra Foundation (Pre-recorded talk)
Laura Hainey, Design Officer (Climate Action Towns) – Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS)
12:30 – 1:15pm Lunch
Finger buffet and drink refreshments
1:15 – 1:35pm Prof. Ian Wilson, Deputy Director – CRESR at Sheffield Hallam
Learning and evaluation from Sheffield Hallam University
1:35 – 2pm John Halliday
National call to action?
2 – 2:30pm Breakout Session
2:30 – 3:30pm Expert panel discussion with:
Cath Cooney, Delivery Partner – International Futures Forum
Ancha Stoodley – Building Futures East
John Halliday – Community Renewal Trust
Dr Jim McCormick – The Robertson Trust
3:30 – 4:30pm Networking and drinks reception
Another upcoming conference
Building Futures East is delivering Community Renewal: Lifting Neighbourhoods Together’s methodologies and approach in the neighbourhood of Walker in Newcastle.
On Tue 10 October, they will be joined by Community Renewal Trust for their local conference, which will share their emerging evidence in an English local context.