An in-person conference in Newcastle (Royal Station Hotel)
FREE EVENT, Tue 10 October 10am – 3:30pm
Following on from announcing the project conference in Edinburgh this September, we are delighted to present the agenda for the local conference in Newcastle this October.
Community Renewal Trust are now in the fourth year of delivering our whole-person, whole-place, test of systems change – called Lifting Neighbourhoods Together – in two deprived neighbourhoods in Edinburgh (Bingham, Magdalene and the Hays) and Newcastle (Walker).
Building Futures East – a leading charity who promote social change through a range of community-based programmes – are delivering Community Renewal: Lifting Neighbourhoods Together’s methodologies and approach in the neighbourhood of Walker.
Following a continual process of evaluation, they will share the evidence that is starting to emerge alongside the learning specifically in the context of the English system.
You will have an opportunity to hear from the delivery team and meet community members involved in the programme.
Building Futures East will be joined by Community Renewal Trust, who will report highlights from the overall project findings to date.